If you are getting back into bike riding this summer and are experiencing somediscomfort in your hands--or even general weakness with gripping or pinching--hereare some things to look for and things … [Read more...]
So I Have Carpal Tunnel Syndrome…What Now?
If you do a search online with the phrase “carpal tunnel” you will be flooded with information, both accurate and inaccurate. Carpal tunnel has become a rapidly “thrown-around” phrase or diagnosis for … [Read more...]
WHY Are Your Upper Extremities So Important??
BEEP BEEP BEEP BEEP... It’s 6 am and your alarm goes off. You REACH over with your ARM to turn the alarm off with your INDEX FINGER. You REACH down to pull your covers off with your HAND and get … [Read more...]
Elbow Tendonitis
Elbow tendonitis is a very common diagnosis that can occur with repetition or with a traumatic injury. Pain on the inside or outside of the elbow is an often too familiar feeling for some people. … [Read more...]