Don’t deal with elbow or shoulder pain this summer!
Minnesota summers are too short to let nagging injuries sideline you from the activities you love. Often an increase in activities–whether it’s yard work, household projects or outdoor sports–will cause increased strain on our tendons that our bodies are not used to. This nagging inflammation in our tendons, most commonly to the elbows and the shoulders, can lead to tendonitis issues. This can become more of a long term problem if not addressed right away.

Tendonitis in the arm, when left untreated, can cause scar tissue to build up in the tendons. This will become more and more difficult to get rid of as time goes on. When these are treated early, however, a few therapy visits is all you need to get you back to doing the activities you love.
In addition, a specific home program designed for your individual needs will set you up for success the next time you overdo it.
When you are wondering where to go for elbow or shoulder pain, think Alex Rehab. We accept most insurances!
No referral or insurance is mandatory to be seen by our Certified Hand Therapist. Cash pay is accepted and is significantly discounted from normal insurance rates.
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